Always Our Children

Gay & Lesbian Family Ministry
The LGBT Family Ministry aims to support all persons and their families in their quest for wholeness and holiness. The Body of Christ in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland is called to reverence each person as a unique reflection of God's presence in our midst. We commit ourselves to become a community of care, support, formation, reconciliation and witness to justice with and among gay and lesbian persons, their parents, family members, and all who minister in and with this community.
If you would like to be part of our group here at St. Joseph Parish, please contact the Parish Office for more information, or just attend a meeting!
Outreach Groups
Parish outreach groups exist to provide a place of support, affirmation and spiritual guidance to gay and lesbian Catholics.
Gesu Parish, University Heights
Contact: Fr. Michael Vincent, SJ, (216) 932-0617
Blessed Trinity Parish, Cleveland
Contact: Fr. Doug Koesel, (216) 671-5890
Support Groups for Parents
St. John Vianney Parish, Mentor
Contact: Fr. Tom Johns, (440) 943-3445
St. Joseph Parish, Avon Lake
Contact the parish office, (440) 933-3152
If a sufficient number of people express interest, the ministry is willing to support the formation of additional groups in other areas of the diocese. Please contact Sister Rita Mary Harwood (216-696-6525 x2200) for more information.