Are you seeking to live a more fulfilling life?
Are you seeking to deepen your relationship with Jesus?
Are you seeking to dive in more deeply to your Catholic faith?
Communio groups are a great way to dive in more deeply in a relaxed atmosphere with several other people. They are all small groups with normally less than 12 people and meet weekly at the Parish or a home. Much of the year there is at least one group currently meeting. We offer a variety of days, times, and topics so that you can discern which group God may be calling you to.
Contact Phil Lewandowski if you have questions regarding Communio: or 440-653-5638

Scripture: Gospel of John
| Mondays: 6:30PM - 8:00PM |
“Come to the Light”
The Gospel of John is unique because it presents first hand accounts of events, conversations and teachings of Jesus that are not found in the other three Gospels. The Apostle John was writing to prove that Jesus is God in human flesh, the eternal Logos the Greeks understood as the reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it, giving it form and meaning. John records seven miracles Jesus did which give overwhelming evidence that "Jesus is the Christ (i.e. Messiah), the Son of God". More than that, John is writing to prompt non-believers to trust Him for their eternal salvation, "that believing in Him you may have life in His name" (20:31).
*This group begins September 30, 2024