Determined To Develop - Malawi Mission

Takupokelerani (or Welcome) to Determined to Develop (D2D). We are an NGO registered in the United States as a 501(c) 3, tax deductible, organization working in Malawi. D2D is based in the rural community of Chilumba, in the Karonga district of northern Malawi, Africa, and works side-by-side with members of the community to address their needs and provide assistance in the overall development of the wider community. We focus on programs supporting education, women’s empowerment, health and nutrition, and the environment. Yet the majority of our efforts and funding is used to run a large education program, sponsoring over three hundred youth from the local area, who would not otherwise be given the opportunity to attend school.
All of our work is vetted by traditional leaders from the community, including Village Headmen (Chiefs) and local village development committees before they pass planning stages. Such collaboration with the community ensures that we are meeting real, rather than perceived needs.
We see our job as providing assistance to some of the more vulnerable members of society, to allow them to reach their full potential to benefit themselves and ultimately Malawi as a whole.
Note from the Executive Director:
On behalf of the Determined to Develop team I would like to thank you for your generous commitment in sponsoring Mphatso Chakuchanya and in supporting our wider program. It is donations such as yours, which allow us to continue our work and ensure that as many children as possible in our local area can attend school and receive the education and support they deserve.
The sponsorship program means we are able to safeguard Mphatso’s secondary school education; something which unfortunately for many youth in Malawi is not guaranteed. Yet our work in securing young people’s education in Malawi would not be possible without the on-going support from our overseas donors. So thank you again for your assistance to Mphatso. Your donation will provide a life changing experience for him and open up his opportunities for the future.
You will receive personal updates from Mphatso three times a year at Easter, August and Christmas, during his school holidays.
Thank you and warm regards,
Matthew Maroon
Executive Director, Determined to Develop