Enter the parking lot from the northeast drive off of LAKE ROAD.
The line will split into two lanes; follow the directional arrows and signs labeled, "DINE-IN" to the parking area (volunteers will guide you).
Once parked, enter the Parish Center beneath the navy blue awning that reads, "Parish Center and Credit Union."
PRE-ORDERS: Check-in at the table in the hallway to obtain your order. Then proceed to the dining area, where a volunteer will assist you in finding a seat.
WALK-INS: Stop at the Cashier's Table in the hallway​ to place your order with a volunteer. Once you obtain your order, proceed to the dining area where a volunteer will assist you in finding a seat.
Coffee, tea and water will be provided for those guests dining in.
Enter the parking lot from the northeast drive off of LAKE ROAD.
The line will split into two lanes; follow the directional arrows and signs labeled, "DRIVE-THRU" (volunteers will guide you).
Continue following the arrows around the perimeter of the parking lot leading to the southern-facing doors of the church Gathering Area (under the tent).
PRE-ORDERS: A volunteer will come to your window and take your name. You will remain in the car line and your food will be brought to your car.
DRIVE-UPS: A volunteer will come to your window and take your name, order and payment. You will receive your change, then remain in the car line until your food is brought to your car, along with your receipt.

ALLERGEN WARNING - All sauces are optional and served on the side in a separate container. Fried Perch, Halibut and Butterfly Shrimp batter contains egg. These items are fried individually and separated from other fish and tater tots. The oil used does not contain any peanut ingredients. It is all fresh soybean oil. Salmon and Cod are prepared in a grapeseed and olive oil blend. Dill Sauce contains butter. Green Beans & Carrots are seasoned with butter. Coleslaw is made with mayonnaise and does contain egg products. Pierogi dough contains egg, and they are seasoned with butter. Cabbage & Noodles contain butter. Tomato Bisque is gluten-free; contains cream. NE Clam Chowder contains shellfish, butter, cream and flour.

Please come prepared for the weather if you have signed-up for an outdoor position.
Volunteers MUST PARK on the NORTH SIDE of the campus.
Volunteer CHECK-IN will be held in the Cafeteria Gym. Enter the Parish Center doors beneath the navy blue awning, go down the hallway and enter the first brown door on the right side.
Check-in with the volunteer coordinators, and they will provide you with apron and a nametag. Once you are ready, they will send you to the volunteer team lead who will show you the ropes!