Dear PSR Parent,
Welcome to our Parish School of Religion (PSR) program. Our PSR program continues to grow in number largely due to our committed families and the untiring dedication of our catechists and classroom aides.
PSR meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45am, between our two morning Masses. We meet in mid-September through mid-May. Our program begins at the Preschool 4 level and continues to the completion of 8th Grade. We offer three different options for PSR: an in-person option, a home school option and a hybrid option which is a combination of in-person and home school largely dependent on family situation and athletics.
Our fees for the year are $85/child early registration and $100/child late registration. Financial assistance is available for families in need.
It is our privilege to serve the families and children of St. Joseph Parish as we gather in Christian community. I look forward to meeting you and your child as we play, pray and grow in our love for Jesus. We come to the table in joy, service and love!
Please contact me with any questions you might have or for more information about our program. You can reach me at or at 440-653-5616.
In His Service,
Rozann Swanson, DRE